Gainesville Residents United, Inc.

Case 1
Case 1: Gainesville Residents United, Inc., et al vs Ron DeSantis, et al
Filed: 7/3/23
Venue: US District Court, Northern District of Florida (Tallahassee)
Case number: 1:23-cv-00176-AW-HTC
Plaintiffs: Gainesville Residents United, Inc,;
Defendants: Ron DeSantis, Governor of Florida; City of Gainesville (nom. def.)
Judge: Hon. Allan Winsor
Current status: Awaits judge’s ruling on defendant DeSantis’ Motion to Dismiss
1.1-3 Staff Final Bill Analysis
1.1-5 Committee substitute for HB 759
1.1-6 GRU bond issuance 2017 Series A
1.1-11 City of Gainesville Summons
1.22 Desantis's Motion For Extension
1.26 Motion to Dismiss - Lack of Jurisdiction
1.28 Motion to Dismiss - Failure to State Claim
1.35 Plaintiff Response Opposing Motion to Dismiss
1.36 Dismissal of Action Against Some Defendants
1.37 Order granting motion to dismiss
1.38 Order to show cause
1.39 Plaintiffs’ Response to Order to Show Cause
1.39-1 Omnibus Order Granting Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgement
1.40 Plaintiffs’ Corrected Response to Order to Show Cause
1.40-1 Omnibus Order Granting Defendants’ Motion for Summary Judgement